I have to write a function which will find a sum of all elements in the binary tree.
Thats how it is defined (tree):
datatype 'a tree= Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
And I have no idea how should I do it. I admit that I am beginner with SML.
For example: sumTree (Node (Node (Leaf 1, 3, Leaf 2), 7, Leaf 4))
should return 17. sumTree is name of function.
Thanks for help.
I hope you'll take the time to understand this. Let me know if you have any questions regarding it:
* This is a recursive datatype, because the Node constructor contains two
* elements of type `tree`, the type which we're currently defining.
datatype 'a tree =
Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
* Notice how the structure of the `sumTree` function follows the structure
* of the `tree` datatype. But `tree` is a recursive datatype, which means
* that `sumTree` will probably be a recursive function. This is called
* structural recursion. We recurse accordingly to the structure of the type.
fun sumTree (Leaf n) = n
| sumTree (Node (left, n, right)) = (sumTree left) + n + (sumTree right)
The basic idea is to solve the problem for the easy case (Leaf
) and in the complex case (Node
) rely on the solution for the easy case.