I have such problem: I have 2 custom components, which have their own nesting hierarchy ... One is container for another. I have to "familiarize them" with each other. The way I'm trying to achieve that is using global events (one side is firing and the other one is catching):
Application.application.addEventListener("Hello", function (data:Event):void{
// .. some actions
Application.application.dispatchEvent(new Event(Hello));
Everything is pretty good, but there's one thingy .. when I'm trying to catch the event, I can't access the class, who is catching it. E.g.:
BUT, the only thing I could acheive is passing a reference to the Container in the DynamicEvent. Is there any chance that I could access the child at the event-handler function. Or maybe there's more elegant way to solve this problem ...
Any help would be greately appreciated :)
In most cases, either target or currentTarget will give you access to the component that is firing the event.
http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/flash/events/Event.html http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/flash/events/Event.html#currentTarget http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/flash/events/Event.html#target
However, with your approach, you are firing the event from the top level application; not from either of your nested components. This strikes me as unusual.
I envision you have a hierarchy like this:
--- Container1
I would recommend firing the event from container2 and listening for it in container1.
Your dispatch code in Container2 will be something like this:
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('myCustomEvent'));
In container1 you can listen for the event something like this:
container2.addEventListener('myCustomEvent', onMyCustomEvent);
If you do need to add custom event data to your event; you can create your own custom event class and add data. Do you have a specific use case for firing the events off the Application container? I'd love to hear it.