Am trying to create a graph of population structure by age and sex using R and googleVis. However the graph never fully loads on the browser I just get a "loading" message and no output. The command am using in RStudio is
plot(gvisMotionChart(data, idvar = "id", timevar = "ExpYear", xvar = "ExpYear", yvar = "n", colorvar = "AgeGroup",sizevar = "n"))
My data My data basically shows the number of people in a particular age bracket (AgeGroup column) in a particular year (between 2000-2014) for a particular gender and can be found here:
Am not sure how to go about debugging, or whether it is even a problem with the code or data. Am also new to bot R and GoogleVis so any help would be greatly appreciated.
You are using the same variable for timevar
and xvar
Try for example (time = year, x = AgeGroup, y = n and color = sex):
plot(gvisMotionChart(data, idvar = "id", timevar = "ExpYear", xvar = "AgeGroup", yvar = "n", colorvar = "Sex"))
To see the motion you have to restructure your data so that you have one ID for all years. Set ID for example as combination of AgeGroup and Sex:
df2 <- data %>%
group_by(ExpYear, AgeGroup, Sex ) %>%
summarize(n = sum(n)) %>%
mutate(id = paste(AgeGroup, Sex))
And plot with:
plot(gvisMotionChart(df2, idvar = "id", timevar = "ExpYear", xvar = "AgeGroup", yvar = "n", colorvar = "Sex"))