I'm using Crashlytics to distribute an app for Beta testing.
While it is easy and convenient to install the app on devices from the Crashlytics app, I have not been able to figure out how I could download only the IPA from the Crashlytics server.
Background: I need to get the IPA / APK for automated testing. My test environment will re-sign the IPA to be able to install it to test devices, so going the Crashlytics app way doesn't work.
What I need would be a download link for the IPA / APK as it used to be available in TestFlight or Hockeyapp.
After poking around myself, it doesn't look like there is any way to pull an ipa or apk from Crashlytics Beta.
I would suggest using something like Jenkins or Fastlane to automate your build process and have it a) upload to Dropbox or somewhere you can easily refer to and b) upload automatically to Crashlytics for distribution.
The gradle crashlytics plugin provides a handy method to do this:
gradlew assembleDebug crashlyticsUploadDistributionDebug