I have two functions. One function I want to run in the background with the mysql connection and without returning any errors or anything to the browser. And another function I want to run which returns data to the browser.
I've used the php pcntl_fork as follows:
$pid = pcntl_fork();
switch ($pid) {
case -1:
case 0:
In this case, it returns database error number 2006 which can only occur in function_background()
I want the function function_background()
to run completely and independently in the background with the mysql connection and without disturbing the browser with it's errors or anything. And function_return()
for a message to the browser.
Appreciate any help. Great if anyone could please point me to detailed info as well.
As in the comment the pcnt_fork() is used for fork an existing process, for running it in background you could simply implement something using:
$pid = shell_exec(sprintf('%s > /dev/null 2>&1 &', $command));
and for check that the process is running
$procResult = shell_exec(sprintf('ps %d', $pid));
if (count(preg_split("/\n/", $procResult)) > 2) {
return true;