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Cycle detection in bit-string

Given a binary string of length N(<=10^5), I want to find the length of the cycle of the string. The length of the cycle will be at most 1000 and at least 1.


110110110110 length of cycle is 3(pattern repeating is 110)

000000 length of cycle is 1(pattern repeating is 0)

1101101101 length of cycle is 3(pattern repeating is 110)

I have tried to understand Floyd's cycle detection algorithm but I'm unable to understand how to apply in on this question.

How do I solve this problem efficiently? (I want an algorithm that runs in O(NlogN) or better ).


  • Here is a linear solution to this problem:

    1. Let's compute prefix function for the given string(like in Knuth-Morris-Pratt's algorithm).

    2. The answer is always n - p[n], where n is the length of the given string and p[i] is the value of the prefix function for the i-th position in the string. Proof:

      • The period is not smaller than n - p[n]. It is the case because for any period k, s[i] = s[i + k] for any i. Thus, n - p[n] is at least k due to the definition of the prefix function.

      • The period is not greater than k = n - p[n]. It is the case because s[i] = s[i + k] for all i due to the definition of the prefix function, which implies that k is a period.