I've got some experience using haml (+sass) on rails projects. I recently started using them with blueprintcss - the only thing I did was transform blueprint.css into a sass file, and started coding from there. I even have a rails generator that includes all this by default.
It seems that Compass does what I do, and other things. I'm trying to understand what those other things are - but the documentation/tutorials weren't very clear.
These are my conclusions:
With this analysis, I'm hesitant to give Compass a try.
Is my analysis correct? Are Am I missing any key points, or have I evaluated any of these points wrongly?
Compass looked like a great solution for me as well, but after trying it on a project I didn't really see the great advantage of using it for me. Like you, I'm just fine with blueprint, and I didn't see the need to add yet another layer on top of haml/sass.
I eventually stripped the compass from that project and just go with a sass version of the blueprint CSS files, and go from there. I store any custom/additional styles in a separate sass file and that's it. No need for compass or anything like that if you just want to keep it simple.