My goal is to tag all the vertices of a 3d regular-triangulated mesh as inner or outer vertices. I'm aware of the infinite vertex.
I iterate through all the adjacent vertices of the infinite vertex and tag them as outer vertices. When do that i get strange results:
right pic: all the vertices of the mushroom. middle pic: vertices tagged as outer. left pic: vertices tagged as inner
when I do the same thing but with a sphere mesh i get correct results. Am I not understanding the infinite vertex correctly? How can i solve this?
P.S. I'm new to cgal.
I managed to solve this finally by using sub-domains
for (C3t3::Facets_in_complex_iterator
fit = i_pTetrahedlizedMesh.facets_in_complex_begin(),
end = i_pTetrahedlizedMesh.facets_in_complex_end();
fit != end; ++fit)
C3t3::Subdomain_index cell_sd = i_pTetrahedlizedMesh.subdomain_index(fit->first);
C3t3::Subdomain_index opp_sd = i_pTetrahedlizedMesh.subdomain_index(fit->first->neighbor(fit->second));
if (cell_sd != 0 && opp_sd != 0) continue; //this is an inner vertex
else .... //this is an outer vertex