Search code examples

extract values from DataTable with single row

How to extract the values from data table having single row and assign to asp labels.

private void GetUser(string userId)
    dbr.SelectString = "select name, gender,  address, contactno from userInfo where id = = '" + userId + "' --"; // return single row
    DataTable dt = dbr.GetTable();
    //DataRow row = dt.Rows[0];
    // how to retrieve the fields from the data table.
    //lbl_name = name.ToString();
    //lbl_gender = gender.ToString();
    //lbl_contact = contactno.ToString();

I thought of using foreach loop but the datatable contains only single row. How can I pass empty string in the case of NULL cells. Also, can I extract the values from datatable via list?


  • private void GetUser(string userId)
        dbr.SelectString = "select name, gender,  address, contactno from userInfo where id = = '" + userId + "' --"; // return single row
        DataTable dt = dbr.GetTable();
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) 
            DataRow row = dt.Rows[0];
            lbl_name = row["name"].ToString();
            lbl_gender = row["gender"].ToString();
            lbl_contact = row["contactno"].ToString();