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Retrieve the first item of an array in a sub-document without getting other sub-documents

In MongoDB - how do you retrieve only the first item of an array which is in a property?

I have a nested document and query it with $text (but that doesn't matter, normal queries don't work either)

The structure of my document:

    "_id": ObjectId("...."),
    "propA": {
        "prop1": [
            { ... }, // this is what I want to see
            { ... },
        "prop2": { ... },
        "prop3": { ... },
    "propB": {
        "prop1": { ... }, // +this, but that's not a problem
        "prop2": { ... },
        "prop3": { ... },
    "propC": { ... },

when I run

collection.find({}, { "propA.prop1": 1, "propB.prop2": 1 });

I get the full array at propA.prop1. When I run instead

collection.find({}, { "propA.prop1": {$slice: 1}, "propB.prop2": 1 });

I get only the first item of propA.prop1 but I get also all the other items inside propA (like propA.prop2, propA.prop3, ...)

I'd want to somehow combine the two queries, but couldn't figure out how (except after retrieving in code).


  • You can work around this by including a second, non-existent field of propA in your projection:

    collection.find({}, { 
        "propA.prop1": {$slice: 1},
        "propA.nonExistentField": 1,
        "propB.prop2": 1

    A bit odd, but it works.