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Python unit tests: TestCaseSource

I am new to python development, specifically Django pipeline. I am used to nunit testing framework where I have tools such as the TestCaseData class.

we are currently using the nose framework with the django.test modules.

heres my question: is there a module or some component that does the same thing for python/django code?


  • after researching a fair bit, I decided to use nose-parameterized. it works in both functional tests, and class based tests, and I can provide it a static method to supply test cases that are programmatically generated like the following:

    def test_case_source():
        parameters = []
        for i in range(0,10):
            parameters.append(('test{0}'.format(i), i))
        return parameters
    class TestTestCaseSource(TestCase):
        def test_my_fake_test(self, test_name, param):
            self.assertEquals(param, param)