I am wondering about whether or not creating a list of an anonymous type is the best way to effectively create a list of multiple types as well as its effect on general performance and efficiency. Mainly I just want to know if there is a more standard way of doing List?
Situation I every now and then find myself with a need to create a list that has multiple values each of a different type, List. Normally i would just resolve this with a Dictionary, but then there are the cases where i don't care about duplicated key values or need a 3rd (or rarely 4th) value. Usually this is for temporary list that just track something contained in a method like logging thrown errors and an associated value so that at the end of the method i can string together the messages for a log file or something.
What i have so far is this:
var list = new[] { new { RowNumber = 1, Message = "" } }.ToList();
list.Clear();//clears out the example used to create the anonymous type
list.Add(new { RowNumber = 10, Message = "bla bla" }); //adding to the list
I am debating on doing something like an extension or something to make this easier, but if the performance sucks or there is a better way, i would like to know.
I just experimented a little. Here's what I found:
and concrete types. This is logical, because underneath the covers, the compiler actually builds types for anonymous types. In essence, at runtime, they are just concrete types.ToList
call is redundant. This part's important. It's not super relevant to your immediate question, but looking at your example, you do new [] { ... }.ToList()
. This forces a loop through the array after it's created. You'd be much better off using list initialization: new List<dynamic> { ... };
. That's what I used in my examples.I ran tests 10,000 times each for:
Running them again would just mix it up. The only consistent result was that arrays were, unsurprisingly, slower than going directly to a list.
If you're going to make an extension method, you'll probably want to go with one of the latter two options. Anonymous types don't travel well outside of their scope, as I'm sure you know. The choice is yours between concrete types and tuples. I'd go with concrete if you're using it a lot and/or outside of the original method, and a tuple if it just needs to exist somewhere. That's really a design choice that I can't make for you.