Is there a way to create a custom fieldtype in angular schema form that is able to sum other fields on the form? I've looked at directives/decorators but am not sure how to reference the fields to be summed?
The easiest way is probably to let the user supply the keys of the fields you'd like to sum up the and watch for changes with a $watchGroup
So an example of how a form definition could look:
type: "sum",
sumFields: [
And then you need a directive in your field type sum to actually sum things up. (WARNING, untested code)
<div class="form-control-group">
<input disabled sum-it-up="form.sumFields" type="text">
return {
scope: true,
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
var keys = scope.$eval(attrs.sumItUp);.map(function(key){
// Whatever you put in model is always available on scope
// as model. Skipped ObjectPath for simplification.
return 'model.'+key
scope.$watchGroup(keys, function(values) {
element.value(values.reduce(function(sum, value){
return sum+value
You could also do a fieldset type of thing and loop through each item in the items
property of the form and go from there. The sfSelect
service might also be useful. Hope that helps!