Searching here and on the internet have not let me to a example of a Live Template for Delphi that generate a Property with getter / setter and also generate the private field and execute the complication. (SHIFT + CTRL + C)
Is this possible?
The example titled "Read/write property" on the already-mentioned Delphi Live Templates page can be modified to generate getter/setter methods instead of a private field:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<codetemplate xmlns=""
<template name="prop" invoke="manual">
read write property for field
<point name="ident">
<hint>the name for the property</hint>
<point name="type">
<hint>the type for the property</hint>
<script language="Delphi" onenter="false" onleave="true">
<code language="Delphi" delimiter="|">
<![CDATA[property |ident|: |type| read Get|ident| write Set|ident|;
This, however, doesn't generate the private field.