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How do I make a Matlab plot fill the whole page?

I want to make a plot in Matlab which is twice as tall as it is long. I tried following the advice of this question using Position and PaperPositionMode, like so:

set(gcf, 'Position', [0 0 100 200]);
print('test', '-dpng');

Annoyingly, this resizes the paper size but not the plot, as below.

a large plot on undersized paper

Is there any way to make a graph with specified width and height? I'm running this on a headless server so clicking and dragging, or any other GUI-specific solutions, aren't an option. Obviously I don't actually want a 100x200 plot, I just wanted to make the figure small enough to fit nicely into the question.


  • You might try setting the paper size and units. There's a similar question on Mathworks. Relevant content:

    set(0,'defaultfigurepapersize',[8.5 11]);
    set(0,'defaultfigurepaperposition',[.25 .25 [8.5 11]-0.5]);

    where set(0, ...) sets the root graphics system values. You could also use your figure instead. Hope this helps.