I'm using Meteor's collection-fs packages to upload images, and I want to cut a thumbnail out of the centre of each image using gm(readStrem).crop()
. Problem is, the x
and y
offsets for crop
depend on the size of the original image, image sizes will vary, and I can't use the same reasdStream twice.
This breaks:
var xOff = 0;
var yOff = 0;
var thumbnailWidth = 450;
var thumbnailHeight = 600;
gm(readStream).size(function (err, dimensions) {
if ( dimensions ) {
xOff = (dimensions.width - thumbnailWidth) / 2;
yOff = (dimensions.height - thumbnailHeight) / 2;
.crop(thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, xOff, yOff)
The dimensions return but the second use of readStream returns Error: gm().stream() or gm().write() with a non-readable stream
I've seen a few other answers related to this but none help me because the package forces me to pipe(writeStream)
; I can't just do '.writeAsync()' I tried all sorts of other tricks that didn't work, including:
If anybody has any ideas, I'd really appreciate your input.
Thanks! db
The solution was to determine the file size on the client, append those details to the fileObj before writing, and then call crop normally on the server during write.
var cropInfo = fileObj.cropInfo
.crop(cropInfo.width, cropInfo.height, cropInfo.x, cropInfo.y)
Not quite ideal, but it works.