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Weblogic 12c change domain name

Does anyone know what is the correct way to change domain name in WLS 12c?

After changed domain name i have this error:

<2015-03-03 15:51:55 CET> <Critical> <JTA> <BEA-110482> <A logging last resource (LLR) failed during initialization. The server cannot boot unless all configured LLRs initialize. Failing reason:

javax.transaction.SystemException: Failed to call > registerLoggingResourceTransactions() weblogic.transaction.loggingresource.LoggingResourceException: weblogic.transaction.loggingresource.LoggingResourceException: java.sql.SQLException: JDBC LLR, table verify failed for table >'CS_CMS.WL_LLR_MYSERVER', row 'JDBC LLR Domain//Server' record had unexpected value 'aaa//myserver' expected 'bbb//myserver'* ONLY the original domain and server that creates an LLR table may access it *

Could anyone tell how can I fix this issue?


  • Renaming a weblogic domain is not as simple as renaming a folder, check the following:

    • Tons of files within your domain folder are going to reference the domain name, do a grep -r your_domain * and you will see where it's referenced. You can exclude tmp, cache, etc. like --exclude-dir={tmp,logs,cache}
    • After looking at the above, you can do something like xargs sed –I ‘s/your_domain/new_domain/g’ on all the files containing the old name
    • Last, in regards to the error you're seeing, Weblogic keeps a LLR table with a single row that includes the path to the domain. Update that table with the new/path (see the Oracle link below)

    See this Oracle doc with regards to that table

    See this example on changing the domain name. Note this example does not include modifying the LLR table.