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Hibernate entities mapping: Retrieve VARCHAR as boolean

I have a table INCIDENCIA in my database that has a VARCHAR column VISIBLE with two possible values: Y or N matching true or false.

I have it mapped in this entity:

public class Incidencia {

    private String visible;

    //other fields

    @Column(name = "VISIBLE")
    public String getVisible() {
        return visible;

    public void setVisible(String visible) {
        this.visible = visible;

This field is a String since column in database is a VARCHAR, however I would like to retrieve it as java.lang.Boolean with a Y/N deserialization.

Is there any way to do this by Hibernate annotations?



  • You can create your own mapping type. Something like this:

    package es.buena.jamon.type;
    public class SpanishBoolean  extends AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType<Boolean> 
                  implements PrimitiveType<Boolean>, DiscriminatorType<Boolean> 
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        public static final SpanishBoolean INSTANCE = new SpanishBoolean(); 
        public SpanishBoolean() { 
                super( CharTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE, new BooleanTypeDescriptor('S', 'N') ); 
        public String getName() { 
                return "si_no"; 
        public Class getPrimitiveClass() { 
                return boolean.class; 
        public Boolean stringToObject(String xml) throws Exception { 
                return fromString( xml ); 
        public Serializable getDefaultValue() { 
                return Boolean.FALSE; 
        public String objectToSQLString(Boolean value, Dialect dialect) throws Exception { 
                return StringType.INSTANCE.objectToSQLString( value ? "S" : "N", dialect ); 

    and then register it with the configuration:

    Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure();
    configuration.registerTypeOverride(new SpanishBoolean());

    and then use it in your entity:

    private Boolean visible;

    Hope that helps.