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Symbolicate crash logs for Analytics

I'm trying to get crash reporting up and running with The crashes are sent in to Parse Analytics, but I don't think they are symbolicated. I have followed the steps to upload the symbol-files in a runscript on each build. The crashes I get looks like this:

_TFFFFC8myApp18MainViewController13viewDidAppearFS0_FSbT_U_FT_T_U0_FTGSQGVSs10DictionarySSPSs9AnyObject___GSQCSo7NSError__T_U_FTGSQGS1_SSSS__GSQSb__T_ @ 0x780

Is there a way to check If they are symbolcated or not?


  • Yours is symbolicated.Usually symbolicated shows you
    - App name
    - Class name
    - Function name
    - Function args

    _TFFFFC8myApp18MainViewController13viewDidAppearFS0_FSbT_U_FT_T_U0_FTGSQGVSs10DictionarySSPSs9AnyObject___GSQCSo7NSError__T_U_FTGSQGS1_SSSS__GSQSb__T_ @ 0x780

    - App name: myApp
    - Class name: MainViewController
    - Function name: viewDidAppear
    - Function args: Dictionary, AnyObject (I'm not sure about this)