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OnMenuButton not posting data to google spreadsheets

Hey guys i have got this problem for a while now and i cannot figure out as to why it is not working. when i use the code provided by the tutorial that i have followed on YouTube it works fine, which is posting that data as soon as the application starts. However what i am trying to do is post the data as soon as the "Save Register" button is pressed in the menu but the it doesnt work and returns the message as shown in Log Cat.

I am getting the feeling that i am supposed to create an Async task for this however because my android programming is very limited i am not to sure how i would go about creating this.

My Main activity Class:

public class MainActivity extends Activity{

boolean wasApEnabled = false;
static AccessPoint wifiAP;
private WifiManager wifi;
static Button apButton;
static TextView textView;
final String myTag = "DocsUpload";

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    apButton = (Button) findViewById(;
    textView = (TextView) findViewById(;

    apButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            wifiAP.toggleWifiAP(wifi, MainActivity.this);

    /*Log.i(myTag, "OnCreate()");
    Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {


    wifiAP = new AccessPoint(this);
    wifi = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);



private void scan(){
    wifiAP.getClientList(false, new FinishScanListener() {

        public void onFinishScan(final ArrayList<ClientScanResult> clients) {
            textView.setText("WifiApState:" + wifiAP.getWifiApState()+ "\n\n");
            textView.append("Clients: \n");
            for (ClientScanResult clientScanResult : clients){
                textView.append("ipAddress: " + clientScanResult.getIpAddress() + "\n");
                textView.append("Device: " + clientScanResult.getDevice() + "\n");
                textView.append("macAddress: " + clientScanResult.getMacAddress() + "\n");
                textView.append("isReachable: " + clientScanResult.isReachable() + "\n");


public void postData() {

    String fullUrl = "";
    HttpRequest mReq = new HttpRequest();
    String col1 = "Hello";
    String col2 = "World";

    String data = "entry_272641491=" + URLEncoder.encode(col1) + "&" +
            "entry_130393492=" + URLEncoder.encode(col2);
    String response =mReq.sendPost(fullUrl, data);
   // Log.i(myTag, response);

public void onResume() {
    if (wasApEnabled) {
        if (wifiAP.getWifiApState() != wifiAP.WIFI_STATE_ENABLED && wifiAP.getWifiApState() != wifiAP.WIFI_STATE_ENABLING) {
            wifiAP.toggleWifiAP(wifi, MainActivity.this);

public void onPause() {
    boolean wifiApIsOn = wifiAP.getWifiApState()==wifiAP.WIFI_STATE_ENABLED || wifiAP.getWifiApState()==wifiAP.WIFI_STATE_ENABLING;
    if (wifiApIsOn){
        wasApEnabled = true;
        wifiAP.toggleWifiAP(wifi, MainActivity.this);
    }else {
        wasApEnabled = false;

public static void updateStatusDisplay(){
    if (wifiAP.getWifiApState()==wifiAP.WIFI_STATE_ENABLED || wifiAP.getWifiApState()==wifiAP.WIFI_STATE_ENABLING){
        apButton.setText("Turn Off");
    }else {
        apButton.setText("Turn on");

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    menu.add(0,0,0, "Get Clients");
    menu.add(0,1,0, "Save Register");
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
    return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) {
    switch (item.getItemId()){
        case 0:
        case 1:
    return super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item);

This is the helper class that i have used, Credit goes to this stack overflow user for creating this class

Secure HTTP Post in Android

This is the log cat that i am getting

    03-12 15:06:27.428    3096-3096/com.example.gavin.wifiattendance D/Your App Name Here﹕
03-12 15:06:27.428    3096-3096/com.example.gavin.wifiattendance E/WifiAttendance﹕ HttpUtils: android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException
03-12 15:06:27.428    3096-3096/com.example.gavin.wifiattendance D/WifiAttendance﹕ Returning value:null


  • Thank you for the @Marcus for the helpful links i managed to get it working using this code:

     public class PostDataTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Integer>{
        protected Integer doInBackground(String... params) {
            HttpRequest mReq = new HttpRequest();
            String data = "entry_272641491=" + URLEncoder.encode(params[1]) + "&" +
                    "entry_130393492=" + URLEncoder.encode(params[2]);
            String response = mReq.sendPost(params[0], data);
            return 200;