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How to mix ResolutionStrategies with Gradle

Let's say I have the following in my gradle build script:

configurations.all {
  resolutionStrategy {


    force ''

This will fail if more than one version of a jar is found, except for guava where it will force to version 18.0.

Now let's imagine that I want to have failOnVersionConflict() for all external jars, and be forced to use the force clause (so I know what I'm doing), but I want to use the default resolutionStrategy (newest version) for some specific group, like com.mycompany.

Is such a thing possible?

I was looking at this documentation page:


  • I found my own answer... But it involves a bit of "hacking"... But, after all, that's just what gradle offers...

    def dependencyErrors = 0
    configurations.all {
      resolutionStrategy {
        def thirdPartyPackages = [:]
        def forced = [ 
            '' : '18.0'
            //Here all forced dependencies...
         eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
              if (!'com.mycompany')) {
                    def key = + ":" +
                    if(!thirdPartyPackages.containsKey(key)) {
                        if(forced.containsKey(key)) {
                            details.useVersion forced.get(key)
                        else {
                            thirdPartyPackages.put(key, details.requested.version);
                    else {
                        def existing =  thirdPartyPackages.get(key);
                        if(existing != details.requested.version) {
                            logger.error "Conflicting versions for [$key]"
                            logger.error "    [$existing]"
                            logger.error "    [$details.requested.version]"
    myTask.doFirst {
      //here it might also be doLast, or whatever you need. I just put it before a war task, but it might depend on each need. 
      if(dependencyErrors > 0) { 'There are ' + dependencyErrors + ' conflicting jar versions in the build.'