I'm was faced with the requirement to have disk quotas on docker containers. Specifically I want to limit the amount of data that is not in the layers of base image but in the diff. Googling for "docker disk quota" suggests to use either the device mapper or the btrfs backends. While being able to have quotas in both backends (with different semantics) both have their issues:
What is the best way to solve this?
One way to solve this is to put the diff directory /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/$CONTAINER_ID
into a sparse loopback mounted ext4 directory. This effectively limits the amount of data a user can store/modify in a container. This is the bash code I use:
do_enable_quota() {
local ID=$1
local QUOTA_MB=$2
local LOOPBACK=/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/$ID-loopback
local LOOPBACK_MOUNT=/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/$ID-loopback-mount
local DIFF=/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/$ID
docker stop -t=0 $ID
sudo dd of=$LOOPBACK bs=1M seek=$QUOTA_MB count=0
sudo mkfs.ext4 -F $LOOPBACK
sudo mkdir -p $LOOPBACK_MOUNT
sudo mount -t ext4 -n -o loop,rw $LOOPBACK $LOOPBACK_MOUNT
sudo rsync -rtv $DIFF/ $LOOPBACK_MOUNT/
sudo rm -rf $DIFF
sudo mkdir -p $DIFF
sudo umount $LOOPBACK_MOUNT
sudo rm -rf $LOOPBACK_MOUNT
sudo mount -t ext4 -n -o loop,rw $LOOPBACK $DIFF
docker start $ID
This approach works perfectly for me but the drawback is that I need to wrap the "start", "stop" and "rm" commands to take the mount into account.