Shouldn't first_value() ordered descending give the same results as last_value() ordered ascending? I ran the following query and got the results attached below the query.
select random_date, trunc(random_date,'MM') random_month, random_value,
first_value(random_value) over (partition by trunc(random_date,'MM') order by random_date desc) first_,
last_value(random_value) over (partition by trunc(random_date,'MM') order by random_date) last_
(select to_date(round (dbms_random.value (1, 28))
|| '-'
|| round (dbms_random.value (02, 03))
|| '-'
|| round (dbms_random.value (2014, 2014)),
'DD-MM-YYYY') + level - 1 random_date,
round(100*(dbms_random.value)) random_value
from dual
connect by level <= 10) order by 2, 1;
You forgot about a moving window used for analytical functions. See the difference (used rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following):
SQL> select random_date, trunc(random_date,'MM') random_month, random_value,
2 first_value(random_value) over (partition by trunc(random_date,'MM') order by random_date desc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) first_,
3 last_value(random_value) over (partition by trunc(random_date,'MM') order by random_date rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) last_
4 from
5 (select to_date(round (dbms_random.value (1, 28))
6 || '-'
7 || round (dbms_random.value (02, 03))
8 || '-'
9 || round (dbms_random.value (2014, 2014)),
10 'DD-MM-YYYY') + level - 1 random_date,
11 round(100*(dbms_random.value)) random_value
12 from dual
13 connect by level <= 10) order by 2, 1;
----------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------
02.02.2014 01.02.2014 93 75 75
09.02.2014 01.02.2014 78 75 75
11.02.2014 01.02.2014 69 75 75
12.02.2014 01.02.2014 13 75 75
21.02.2014 01.02.2014 91 75 75
25.02.2014 01.02.2014 75 75 75
01.03.2014 01.03.2014 54 80 80
15.03.2014 01.03.2014 37 80 80
16.03.2014 01.03.2014 92 80 80
17.03.2014 01.03.2014 80 80 80
10 rows selected