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Mocking a method outside of a class

I need to write a unit test for credential checking module looks something like below. I apologize I cannot copy the exact code.. but I tried my best to simplify as an example. I want to patch methodA so it returns False as a return value and test MyClass to see if it is throwing error. cred_check is the file name and MyClass is the class name. methodA is outside of MyClass and the return value checkedcredential is either True or False.

def methodA(username, password):
    #credential check logic here...
    #checkedcredential = True/False depending on the username+password combination
    return checkedcredential

class MyClass(wsgi.Middleware):
    def methodB(self, req): 
        username = req.retrieve[constants.USER]
        password = req.retrieve[constants.PW]
         if methodA(username,password):
            print(“Not passed”)
            return http_exception...

The unit test I currently have looks like...

import unittest
import mock
import cred_check import MyClass

class TestMyClass(unittest.Testcase):
    def test_negative_cred(self, mock_A):
        mock_A.return_value = False
        #not sure what to do from this point....

The part I want to write in my unittest is return http_exception part. I am thinking of doing it by patching methodA to return False. After setting the return value, what would be the proper way of writing the unittest so it works as intended?


  • What you need to do in your unittest to test http_exception return case is:

    1. patch cred_check.methodA to return False
    2. Instantiate a MyClass() object (you can also use a Mock instead)
    3. Call MyClass.methodB() where you can pass a MagicMock as request and check if the return value is an instance of http_exception

    Your test become:

    @mock.patch('cred_check.methodA', return_value=False, autospec=True)
    def test_negative_cred(self, mock_A):
        obj = MyClass()
        #if obj is a Mock object use MyClass.methodB(obj, MagicMock()) instead
        response = obj.methodB(MagicMock()) 
        self.assertIsInstance(response, http_exception)
        #... and anything else you want to test on your response in that case