I am attempting to apply a mask to another string to replace all wildcards in one string with the matching characters in the matching index while keeping the non-wildcard characters.
starting string: "1234-234-3456-45-9876"
mask string: "____-___-0001-__-____"
when applied together: "1234-234-0001-45-9876"
Is this some usage of Regex I haven't seen before? I tried to understand the string.replace() type methods, but I don't think these apply.
Hope this will help you:
private function checkString():void
var starting:String = "1234-234-3456-45-9876";
var mask:String = "____-___-0001-__-____";
for(var i:int=0;i<starting.length;i++)
starting = starting.substr(0,i) + mask.charAt(i) + starting.substr(i+1);
It will mask your string. Check result of alert.