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NHibernate Formula - Mapping list of entities

I want to create a formula in Fluent NHibernate which has a Subquery which fetches a list of results.

I have a table called node_cable with following columns: |id|node|cable|

The node column describes a node while cable describes the connection between these nodes.





This means that cable 100 connects node 2000 and 2001.

The following query gives me the desired result:

FROM node_cable as AA
WHERE AA.node != 3565
AND AA.cable IN
        SELECT BB.cable
        FROM node_cable as BB
        WHERE BB.node = 3565
    ) AS subquery

How would i write this in Fluent NHibernate? ive tried to use Map.Formula, but no luck:

Map(x => x.siblings).Formula(@"SELECT AA.node
                        FROM node_cable as AA
                        WHERE AA.node != 3565
                        AND AA.cable IN
                            SELECT * FROM
                                SELECT BB.cable
                                FROM node_cable as BB
                                WHERE BB.node = 3565
                            ) AS subquery

The sibling propery is defined as:

public virtual IList<NodeEntity> siblings { get; set; }

The error i'm getting is:

{"Could not determine type for: System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[[GOTHAM.Model.NodeEntity, GOTHAM-MODEL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, for columns: NHibernate.Mapping.Formula( SELECT AA.node\r\n FROM node_cable as AA\r\n WHERE AA.node != 3565\r\n AND AA.cable IN\r\n (\r\n SELECT * FROM\r\n (\r\n SELECT BB.cable\r\n FROM node_cable as BB\r\n WHERE BB.node = 3565\r\n ) AS subquery\r\n ) )"}

Anyone have any idea?

Edit: Picture of query result:



Now i have the following Mapping to siblings:

      HasMany(x => x.siblings)
    id AS P1,
    node AS P2,
    cable AS P3 
    FROM node_cable as AA
    WHERE AA.node != 3565
    AND AA.cable IN
        SELECT * FROM
            SELECT BB.cable
            FROM node_cable as BB
            WHERE BB.node = 3565
        ) AS subquery

This however does only return the same node i'm at. I can also just remove the subquery giving the same result.


What am i doing wrong?


  • Check this overview (second half of the document) how to do collection mapping:

    Mapping-by-Code - Set and Bag

    I would say, that there is some missunderstanding.

    Firstly, .Formula() is replacement of the standard .Column(). The idea behind is, that we can compute some value (rate * amount)... It cannot be used for collection mapping. It is here just to return column

    Secondly we try to map collection:

    public virtual IList<NodeEntity> siblings { get; set; }

    While mapping .Map() is just for value types. So we would need different mapping .HasMany() or even .HasManyToMany() if tehre is a pairing table

    // this way we mapp collections
    HasMany(x => x.siblings)

    And also, I am not sure about the inner select, the subquery. Usually we map the entity and then for HasMany, table is defined by the entity mapping.

    If the relation is one-to-many, we need that our collection item NodeEntity is mapped "standard way" - to be used as reference.

    If we need a special select... we can use different approach:

    7.2. Collections of dependent objects

    <set name="SomeNames" table="some_names" lazy="true">
        <key column="id"/>
        <composite-element class="Eg.Name, Eg"> <!-- class attribute required -->
            <property name="Initial"/>
            <property name="First"/>
            <property name="Last"/>

    In this case, we do mapp the element (e.g. NodeEntity) property by property to some select, in the above example table="some_names". But NHibernate goes even further...

    We can replace table, with in-lined select (we are coming back to Formula mentioned in the question)

    The mighty setting is: <subselect>

    <set name="siblings" lazy="true">
        SELECT AA.node
        property1 AS P1,
        property2 AS P2,
        property3 AS P3,
        FROM node_cable as AA
        WHERE AA.node != 3565
        AND AA.cable IN
            SELECT * FROM
                SELECT BB.cable
                FROM node_cable as BB
                WHERE BB.node = 3565
            ) AS subquery
        <key column="node"/>
        <composite-element class="NodeEntity">

    Great, and that all could be converted even into fluent:

    HasMany(x => x.siblings)