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how to localize today extensions widget?

Our application has support for multiple region and languages. When I develop today extensions widget and read App Extension Programming Guide, I still can't find a localize solution. Even if I created the Localize.strings file like a normal Xcode project, define Localize.strings file like:

"scene_people_liked"="%d people like";

use :

#define NSLocalizedString(key, comment) \
            [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:moLocalizedPath] localizedStringForKey:(key) value:@"" table:@"Localizable"]

and call it with:

NSLocalizedString(@"scene_people_liked", nil)

, it still does't work. Anyone has an idea about this problem?


  • take some time i has been resolved this problem. if you want localize your today extensions widget, actually it was does't have any different step with do it in a normal project.

    but it has litter problem about "Localize.strings" file name, you must have use "Localize" to named "Localize.strings" file in the normal project。localize should be work,but if you use it same name as main application or use some "InfoPlist.String" keyword,

    even if test everything fine when you debug your project ,but when you package it up and install device, you will find out the localize can't get the value, so you must define a customer name without "Localize.strings" or some keywords.
