I was trying to encode an image using WIC. and i made simple dll (to encode/decode) and reffered it from another aplication.
I added my_bitmap_converter()
to do a convertion intended to use WICConvertBitmapSource()
but it gives me a link error. here is my work
int my_bitmap_converter
REFWICPixelFormatGUID dstPixelFormt,
IWICBitmapSource* piBitmapSource,
IWICBitmapSource** ppiBitmapDst
IWICBitmapSource* piScr = piBitmapSource;
IWICBitmapSource** ppiDst = ppiBitmapDst;
hr = WICConvertBitmapSource
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
return 0;
return -1;
how can i get rid of this error
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WICConvertBitmapSource@12 referenced in function "int __cdecl my_bitmap_converter(struct _GUID const &,struct IWICBitmapSource *,struct IWICBitmapSource * *)" (?my_bitmap_converter@@YAHABU_GUID@@PAUIWICBitmapSource@@PAPAU2@@Z)
HRESULT WINAPI WICConvertBitmapSource(
_In_ REFWICPixelFormatGUID dstFormat, // Destination pixel format
_In_reads_(1) IWICBitmapSource *pISrc, // Source bitmap
_Outptr_result_buffer_(1) IWICBitmapSource **ppIDst // Destination bitmap, a copy or addrefed source
if you referred here, you may realize that "Link library name is "windowscodecs.lib" instead of "wincodec.lib" in Windows SDK 7.0 "
maybe you are using SDK 7.0 or later. if it is, try adding windowscodecs.lib as an additional dependencies.