I'm trying to get the age bracket of users that visit a specific page on my site.
using this google analytics tool i set
1. dimensions => ga:visitorGender,ga:visitorAgeBracket
2. metrics => ga:users
3. filter => ga:pagePath==/view/?id=85933
4. startDate => 2015-02-26
5. endDate => 2015-03-12
The results are no results found
When i use a date dimension and a pageview metrics, i get the results for my pagePath. Proves my pagePath is not wrong.
Any idea how to get this to work for both agebrackets and gender?
First I would make sure you have diplayfeatures enabled. That is required for demographics features.
Instructions to enable Demographic reports
If you still can't get the report, I believe the issue is caused by the Demographic's threshold. From Help Center Article
Thresholds are applied to prevent anyone viewing a report from inferring the demographics or interests of individual users. When a report contains Age, Gender, or Interest Category (as a primary or secondary dimension, or as part of an applied segment), a threshold may be applied and some data may be withheld from the report. For example, if there are fewer than N instances of Gender=male in a report, then data for the male dimension may be withheld.
If a threshold has been applied to a report, you will see a notice below the report title.
This means that this data will only be shown if there are at least N
users in that category. It is not clear what N
stands for.