I have a button. When this button is clicked, I would like to display the loading template (using sacha:spin
) for 5 seconds.
'click #submit-air': (e,t) ->
I'm using iron:router
, and from what I've read in the docs, it seems like the answer lies somewhere in hooks
, but I can't figure it out. What is the best way to display the loading template for a set number of seconds while staying in the same route? Is that possible?
I wouldn't use iron router at all. Try something like this:
Session.setDefault('loading', false);
loading: function() { return Session.get('loading');}
'click button': function(e,t) {
Session.set('loading', true);
Session.set('loading', false);
// anything else you want to do. Maybe Router.go('somewhere else')
}, 5000); // wait 5 seconds
Now in your template:
{{#if loading}}{{>spinner}}{{else}}
<-- your template with a button--!>