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google apps script post basecamp

I'm trying to make calls to Basecamp's new API through Google Apps Script. GET, I can do. POST, not so much.

Starting with the path

My code:

var headers = {
  'User-Agent' : BCuseragent, 
  'Authorization' : 'Basic ' +  Utilities.base64Encode(BCuser + ':' + BCpass),
  'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
  'Accept' : 'application/json',
  'validateHttpsCertificates' : false

function getBC(path) {
  var url = BCurl + path;
  var opt = {
    'headers' : headers,
    'method' : "GET"

  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, opt);
  return response;

function postBC(path, payload) {
  var url = BCurl + path;

  var opt = {
    'headers' : headers,
    'method' : "POST",
    'payload' : JSON.stringify(payload)
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, opt);
  return response;

The payload I'm passing as a parameter:

{name: "foo", description: "bar"}

The getBC function works (200 OK), the postBC function returns a 403 error. Yet I am the owner of the project, and I've used curl and a Chrome REST client to confirm I can in fact POST new todolists to this project with the same authorization.

Obviously, my headers are malformed somewhere, but I can't see how.


  • This is a quirk of UrlFetchApp. You can't set the Content-Type using the general "headers" parameter, instead you must use the "contentType" parameter.

    See the "Advanced Parameters" table here:,Object)