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Turf.buffer and a draggable marker

So far I have created a marker, transfered it to geoJSON, and created a buffer around it with Turf.buffer. How can I get this buffer to "stick" to the marker as I drag it around the map?

        L.mapbox.accessToken = 'fg.eyJ1IjoisdflksdaklsjZWwiLCJhIjoiRHNwX0ZWNCJ9.Ov2O5sslkdqV93_R0lq3Q';
        var map ='map', 'example.kf6j9ec4')
            .setView([38.633, -90.319],12);

        var marker = L.marker(new L.LatLng(38.633, -90.319), {
            icon: L.mapbox.marker.icon({
                'marker-color': '1B05E3', 
                "marker-symbol": "pitch"
            draggable: true

        marker.bindPopup('This marker is draggable! Move it around to see what locales are in your "area of walkability".');

        //Make the marker a feature
        var pointMarker = marker.toGeoJSON();

        //buffer the marker geoJSON feature
        var buffered = turf.buffer(pointMarker, 2, 'miles');

        var resultFeatures = buffered.features.concat(pointMarker);
        var result = {
            "type": "FeatureCollection",
            "features": resultFeatures




  • So with the help of the above code and a lot of googling I came up with a solution which works. What worked: adding a draggable marker and then using the "marker.on" method to initiate a function to clear any old buffers and then a function to redraw the buffer around the current location.

            //add marker that is draggable
            var marker = L.marker(new L.LatLng(38.633, -90.319), {
                icon: L.mapbox.marker.icon({
                    'marker-color': '1B05E3', 
                    "marker-symbol": "pitch"
                draggable: true
            //add marker popup
            marker.bindPopup('This marker is draggable! Move it around to see what locales are in your "area of walkability".');
            //remove old buffers (used when marker is dragged)
            function removeBuff(){
            //create buffer (used when the marker is dragged)
            function updateBuffer(){
                //Make the marker a feature
                var pointMarker = marker.toGeoJSON();
                //buffer the marker geoJSON feature
                var buffered = turf.buffer(pointMarker, 1, 'miles');
                //add buffer to the map. Note: no "var" before "buff" makes it a global variable and usable within the removeBuff() function. 
                buff = L.mapbox.featureLayer(buffered);
            marker.on('drag', function(){removeBuff(), updateBuffer()});