I have a need to take a list of case classes and convert them to a to a single, comma separated string (with no heading or tailing comma).
case class State(name: String)
def toLine(states: State*): String = {
so, toLine(State("one"), State("two"), State("three")) should return one,two,three
here is what I thought of. any better way?
def toLine(states: State*): String = {
states match {
case s if s.isEmpty => throw new Exception
case s => s.tail.foldLeft(s.head.name)(_+","+_)
is there a way to guaranty there will be at least one value in the list?
You can use mkString
def toLine(states: State*): String = states.map(_.name).mkString(",")
if you need to ensure at least one element you can do:
def toLine(state: State, states: State*) = (state +: states).map(_.name).mkString(",")