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Running PhoneRTC Demo

I am trying to run the phoneRTC demo, I hae build the android demo app and have a signalling server running but when I run the client app on android all I get is a blank screen.

these are the steps I have taken:

npm install -g cordova bower grunt-cli

git clone

ionic create phonertc-ionic

cp -R phonertc\demo\client\* phonertc-ionic\

cd phonertc-ionic
npm install
bower install

cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.console
cordova plugin add

cordova platform add android

cd ../phonertc/demo/server
npm install
node index.js

change server details in phonertc-ionic/app/scripts/signaling.js to:

var socket = io.connect('http://my_server_ip:3000/');

and run the following in phonertc-ionic:

grunt build --force

cp -R app/* www/

cordova build android

My signalling server is running but when I try to hit the port via a browser I get the following message:

Error: ENOENT, stat '/home/server/index.html'

and when I run the app on my phone I just get a blank screen.

Am I doing something wrong?


  • I solved the problem, turns out there was a bug in the grunt version I was using, using an older version or manually adding the libraries instead of using grunt worked.