I have a table of feedback scores, which essentially contains a date field and a "score" field (which may be "happy", "neutral" or "sad").
I want to return a query which gives me the count of each score by month, like this:
However, my query isn't grouping correctly - I'm basically getting three rows for each month (one row for "happy", one for "neutral" and one for "sad", like this:
How do I aggregate the data together?
My query at the moment is this:
var monthlyScore = from f in db.tl_feedbacks
group f by new { month = f.timestamp.Month, year = f.timestamp.Year, score = f.tl_feedback_score.score } into g
select new
dt = string.Format("{0}/{1}", g.Key.month, g.Key.year),
happyCount = g.Where(x => x.tl_feedback_score.score == "happy").Count(),
neutralCount = g.Where(x => x.tl_feedback_score.score == "neutral").Count(),
sadCount = g.Where(x => x.tl_feedback_score.score == "sad").Count(),
total = g.Count()
Remove , score = f.tl_feedback_score.score
from your grouping.