I have run a few models in for the penalized logistic model in R using the logistf package. I however wish to plot some forest plots for the data.
The sjPlot package : http://www.strengejacke.de/sjPlot/custplot/
gives excellent function for the glm output, but no function for the logistf function.
Any assistance?
The logistf
objects differ in their structure compared to glm
objects, but not too much. I've added support for logistf-fitted models, however, 1) model summaries can't be printed and b) predicted probability plots are currently not supported with logistf-models.
I'll update the code on GitHub tonight, so you can try the updated sjp.glm
fit<-logistf(case ~ age+oc+vic+vicl+vis+dia, data=sex2)
# for this example, axisLimits need to be specified manually
sjp.glm(fit, axisLimits = c(0.05, 25), transformTicks = T)