I cannot add a new file to the VOB. I tried both UI context menu on windows as well as cleartool command line utility.
cleartool> checkout .
Checkout comments for ".":
Created branch "BRANCH_NAME" from "." version "\main\BASE_BRANCH_NAME\1".
Checked out "." from version "\main\BASE_BRANCH_NAME\BRANCH_NAME\0".
cleartool> mkelem -ci -nc NewFile.h
Created element "NewFile.h" (type "text_file").
cleartool: Error: Unable to check out "NewFile.h".
cleartool> uncheckout .
describe -l . shows me that the folder has rwx permissions. What am I doing wrong? Why I can't add file?
As mentioned in this thread (and already commented):
You'll need a rule that selects
is the placeholder version created for any new element added to source control.
See for instance "how to create a branch in ClearCase" or "How best to branch in Clearcase?" for an example of a config spec allowing to add to source control in a branch.
element * CHECKEDOUT
element * .../aBranch/LATEST
element * STARTING_LABEL -mkbranch aBranch
# selection rule for new "added to source control" file
element * /main/0 -mkbranch aBranch
element * /main/LATEST