I'm struggling with following problem: I have a method that returns a Future[Result] where Result is the thing I would like to check with a data table row in specs2.
As I understand the following code would block each time and wait for the result to be available.
def getDataForInput(input: String) : Future[Result]
def myTest =
"input" | "expectedResult" |>
"a" ! 123 |
"b" ! 0 | {
(input, result) => getDataForInput input must( beEqualTo(result).await )
Normally I'd like to make all calls asynchronously and then use Future.sequence to transform Seq[Future[Result]] to Future[Seq[Result]] and then run the tests.
Is there a sane way to do this ?
There is no easy way to do that, you need to deconstruct and reconstruct a few things
type RowResult = (Seq[String], Result)
val table =
"input" | "expectedResult" |
"123" ! 123 |
"0" ! 1 |
"0" ! 0
// get a Future containing all rows and results
val results: Future[List[RowResult]] = table.rows.toList.traverseU { row =>
getDataForInput(row.t1).map { i =>
(row.showCells, (i must beEqualTo(row.t2)).toResult)
// check the results
results must beSuccessfulTable(table.titles).await
This uses a custom matcher which will display the table more less nicely
// the TextTable does an even display of columns
import org.specs2.text.TextTable
def beSuccessfulTable(titles: Seq[String]): Matcher[List[RowResult]] = { values: List[RowResult] =>
val overallSuccess = values.map(_._2).reduce(_ and _).isSuccess
val headers = if (overallSuccess) titles else Seq("")++titles++Seq("")
val table = TextTable(headers, values.map(resultLine.tupled))
(overallSuccess, table.show)
// helper method
def resultLine = (line: Seq[String], result: Result) => {
val message = if (result.isSuccess) "" else result.message
result.status +: line :+ message