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oauthd not asking me to set a user/pass on first use

I'm trying to figure out the oauthd system ( , so I can do social media authentication on my own server, rather than using theirs (which seems to go offline a fair bit for me)

Anyway, I've installed it, run init to create the instance, and then start, as per the below output:

oauthd start
Initializing plugins engine
Loading admin-auth
Loading slashme
Loading request
Loading front
oauthd start server
oauthd listening at http://:::6284 for
Server is ready (load time: 1.85s) Wed, 11 Mar 2015 17:20:24 GMT

Now, as per the document - I should go to:

...and its MEANT to ask you to setup a user/password, which will be the admin logins. Unfortunately, it doesn't do this. I just get sent to: ... where it asks me to login with an email/password, both of which I don't have yet:

enter image description here

Can anyone explain what step I'm missing? I've love to get this going - as I'm not a fan of having to use 3rd party systems (i.e, as you are at their mercy when it goes offline.


  • Logging in for the first time actually creates your admin user with the entered credentials. So for example if you enter '[email protected]' as the e-mail and 'letmepassplease' as the password, you'll be able to log in with these credentials in the future.

    I can see why it's not clear, and we will probably improve this later. In the meantime you can create an issue about this on the Github repo.

    Hope this helps :)