I have used Slide up/down effect with ng-show and ng-animate as a base for my issue. However, the directive only allow for one element to be hidden/displayed. When there are 2, only the first shows:
Here's a plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/YtPgcUcnapiQfAR5hxiE?p=preview
If you click on Link 2, it'll show the first content.
angular.module('app', [])
.directive('sliderToggle', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var target = element.parent()[0].querySelector('[slider]');
attrs.expanded = false;
element.bind('click', function() {
var content = target.querySelector('.slideable_content');
if(!attrs.expanded) {
content.style.border = '1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0)';
var y = content.clientHeight;
content.style.border = 0;
target.style.height = y + 'px';
} else {
target.style.height = '0px';
attrs.expanded = !attrs.expanded;
.directive('slider', function () {
return {
compile: function (element, attr) {
// wrap tag
var contents = element.html();
element.html('<div class="slideable_content" style="margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important" >' + contents + '</div>');
return function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
// default properties
attrs.duration = (!attrs.duration) ? '1s' : attrs.duration;
attrs.easing = (!attrs.easing) ? 'ease-in-out' : attrs.easing;
'overflow': 'hidden',
'height': '0px',
'transitionProperty': 'height',
'transitionDuration': attrs.duration,
'transitionTimingFunction': attrs.easing
The flaw occurs here:var target = element.parent()[0].querySelector('[slider]');
. This statement element.parent()[0]
will return the parent of the current element which will always be <article>
Further more: I assume the element.parent()[0].querySelector('[slider]')
will select the first child of article
according to the doc for 'querySelector':
Returns the first element within the document (using depth-first pre-order traversal of the document's nodes) that matches the specified group of selectors
You should use var target = element.next()[0];
if you want to select a slider exactly after your button.
Or var target = element.next('[slider]')[0];
if it is not directly after;
Here is a plunker
Hope this helps!