I have a simple parent object having many children. I'm trying to figure out how to use a named scope for bringing back just parents with specific numbers of children.
Is this possible?
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bars
named_scope :with_no_bars, ... # count of bars == 0
named_scope :with_one_bar, ... # count of bars == 1
named_scope :with_more_than_one_bar, ... # count of bars > 1
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :foo
I'm hoping to do something like Foo.with_one_bar
I could write methods on the parent class for something like this, but I'd rather have the power of the named scope
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bars
# I don't like having the number be part of the name, but you asked for it.
named_scope :with_one_bar, :joins => :bars, :group => "bars.foo_id", :having => "count(bars.foo_id) = 1"
# More generically...
named_scope :with_n_bars, lambda {|n| {:joins => :bars, :group => "bars.foo_id", :having => ["count(bars.foo_id) = ?", n]}}
named_scope :with_gt_n_bars, lambda {|n| {:joins => :bars, :group => "bars.foo_id", :having => ["count(bars.foo_id) > ?", n]}}
Called like so: