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Is it possible to hide JavaScript framework call stacks when debugging, only step over application JavaScript code

I got assigned working on a front-end project written in a mvc frontend framework, every time when I try to debug the code base to better understand the application logic, I got sucked in to the framework code, for now, I don't really want to dig into the framework implementation, but only focus on the application logic. Here's my question: is it possible to hide those framework call stacks? Or somehow only step over the application call stacks and skip the framework call stacks automatically?

BTW, I'm using chrome devtools and webstorm IDE.


  • Chrome has an "manage framework blackboxing" option available under the "sources" section of the settings page you access through the gear icon in devtools. See here for more details. Here's a screenshot:

    enter image description here

    When you click it, you are able to designate libraries to "blackbox":

    enter image description here

    Related: 1, 2.