I'm very new in Android, i'm building an app what will uses the googleMaps API, before i can use it, i need SHA1 certificate fingerprint, i follow many tutorials to get SHA1 certificate fingerprint and this displayed on my commandPrompt: (sorry i'm not allowed to post an image here) :
Lists entries in a keystore
-rfc output in RFC style
-alias <alias> alias name of the entry to process
-keystore <keystore> keystore name
-storepass <arg> keystore password
and e.t.c...
after i go into bin folder inside java\jdk 7\
and ran this command: eytool -list -v -keystore C:\Users\leon.android\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
The easiest way to do this (for debugging) is to run the app in debug connected to Android Studio. Check the messages (logcat) in Android studio and you'll see a message, in red "Unable to connect Google Maps: Authorisation Failure" and then underneath that will be the exact string you need to copy into the Google API Console (SHA1 + app name). Copy, paste, wait a bit for Google to spread to all the servers and then try again.
Otherwise, you just need to run
keytool -list -v -keystore mystore.keystore
(No need for the other parameters) and it's the entry under SHA1 that you need.