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owlapi how to add a OWLDatatype to OWLClass

So I have been able to add some classes to an ontology and save them to a file. Now I would like to be able to add a Datatype to my class but I am confused about how to do this probably very simple thing. This is what I have been trying:

OWLClass currentClass =df.getOWLClass(IRI.create("Base"));
OWLDataProperty owlAttr = df.getOWLDataProperty(IRI.create("#" + "name");

OWLLiteralImplString lit = new OWLLiteralImplString("test");  //This is probably on the wrong path
DefaultPrefixManager defaultPrefixManager = new DefaultPrefixManager();
OWLDatatype datatype = df.getOWLDatatype("xsd:string",defaultPrefixManager);

 OWLAxiom axiom = df.getOWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom(datatype, ?); //having trouble find a range. 

Edit #1 So I'm a little concerned my question isn't clear. What I am trying to do would be similar to this in Java:

 public class Car{


I currently am able to create a class using the owlapi but what I am looking to do would be like adding a datamember to my Java class:

public class Car{
     public String manufacturer;         


Using Protege I can produce this which I think is what I want to be able to make with the owlapi:

<!-- -->

<DatatypeProperty rdf:about="">
    <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;string"/>

// Classes

<!-- -->

<Class rdf:about=""/>


  • Something like this might help:

        OWLDatatype datatype = factory.getOWLDatatype("xsd:string",pm);
        OWLLiteral lit= factory.getOWLLiteral("1", datatype);

    Maybe you want to define min and max restriction:

        OWLDataUnionOf union = factory.getOWLDataUnionOf( factory.getOWLDatatypeMinInclusiveRestriction(1), factory.getOWLDatatypeMaxInclusiveRestriction(10));
        OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom axiom = factory.getOWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom(datatype, union); 

    Edit #1: I have added new code based on the edited question.

        PrefixManager pm= new DefaultPrefixManager("");
        OWLDataPropertyExpression man= factory.getOWLDataProperty("manufacturer", pm);
        OWLClass car= factory.getOWLClass("Car", pm);
        OWLDatatype dt = factory.getOWLDatatype("xsd:string",pm);
        OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom domain=factory.getOWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom(man, car);
        OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom range= factory.getOWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom(man, dt);