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Plotting error with Survplot and xlim in R

I'm plotting an incidence curve using the survplot package in R. I'm using the xlim option to limit the x-axis of my graph from 0-28. However, when I do this the x-axis will always extend to 30. The maximum potential value I have in my data is 28. Is there a way I can trim the x-axis to 28 instead of 30?

Here is my code and an example of the graph with the extra x-axis.

             ylab = "Cumulative Incidence, %", 
             fun=function(x) {100*(1-x)}, 

I would attach an image, but I need 10 reputations points to do so (sorry!)


  • The code for survplot.rms (which has the same parameters as you are using and does exhibit the behavior you're describing) is base-R-grphics and it uses the pretty function to build the x-axis:

    #[1]  0  5 10 15 20 25 30

    So if you want to change its behavior you will need to hack the code. It's not that hard to hack R code, but it's unclear to me whether you are ready for that adventure since you didn't even name the package from which you got the function correctly. It is a fairly long function. Experience has taught me that I need to provide newbies with a turnkey solution rather than just telling them to add a parameter and find the sections in the code to tweak. Here's how to add a 'notpretty' parameter that is used to determine whether just the max or the pretty function is used on the xlim argument:

    survplot2 <- function (fit, ..., xlim, ylim = if (loglog) c(-5, 1.5) else if (what == 
        "survival" & missing(fun)) c(0, 1), xlab, ylab,, 
        what = c("survival", "hazard"), type = c("tsiatis", "kaplan-meier"), 
        conf.type = c("log", "log-log", "plain", "none"), = FALSE, 
        conf = c("bands", "bars"), add = FALSE, label.curves = TRUE, 
        abbrev.label = FALSE, levels.only = FALSE, lty, lwd = par("lwd"), 
        col = 1, col.fill = gray(seq(0.95, 0.75, length = 5)), adj.subtitle = TRUE, 
        loglog = FALSE, fun, n.risk = FALSE, logt = FALSE, dots = FALSE, 
        dotsize = 0.003, grid = NULL, srt.n.risk = 0, sep.n.risk = 0.056, 
        adj.n.risk = 1, y.n.risk, cex.n.risk = 0.6, pr = FALSE,notpretty=FALSE) 
        what <- match.arg(what)
        polyg <- ordGridFun(grid = FALSE)$polygon
        ylim <- ylim
        type <- match.arg(type)
        conf.type <- match.arg(conf.type)
        conf <- match.arg(conf)
        opar <- par(c("mar", "xpd"))
        psmfit <- inherits(fit, "psm")
        if (what == "hazard" && !psmfit) 
            stop("what=\"hazard\" may only be used for fits from psm")
        if (what == "hazard" & > 0) {
            warning(" may only be used with what=\"survival\"")
   <- FALSE
        if (loglog) {
            fun <- function(x) logb(-logb(ifelse(x == 0 | x == 1, 
                NA, x)))
   <- TRUE
        else if (!missing(fun)) {
   <- TRUE
            if (loglog) 
                stop("cannot specify loglog=T with fun")
        else {
            fun <- function(x) x
   <- FALSE
        if (what == "hazard" & loglog) 
            stop("may not specify loglog=T with what=\"hazard\"")
        if ( | logt | what == "hazard") {
            dots <- FALSE
            grid <- NULL
        cox <- inherits(fit, "cph")
        if (cox) {
            if (n.risk | > 0) 
                surv.sum <- fit$surv.summary
            exactci <- !(is.null(fit$x) | is.null(fit$y))
            ltype <- "s"
        else {
            if (n.risk) 
                stop("the n.risk option applies only to fits from cph")
            exactci <- TRUE
            ltype <- "l"
        par(xpd = NA)
        ciupper <- function(surv, d) ifelse(surv == 0, 0, pmin(1, 
            surv * exp(d)))
        cilower <- function(surv, d) ifelse(surv == 0, 0, surv * 
        labelc <- is.list(label.curves) || label.curves
        units <- fit$units
        if (missing(ylab)) {
            if (loglog) 
                ylab <- "log(-log Survival Probability)"
            else if ( 
                ylab <- ""
            else if (what == "hazard") 
                ylab <- "Hazard Function"
            else ylab <- "Survival Probability"
        if (missing(xlab)) {
            if (logt) 
                xlab <- paste("log Survival Time in ", units, "s", 
                    sep = "")
            else xlab <- paste(units, "s", sep = "")
        maxtime <- fit$maxtime
        maxtime <- max(pretty(c(0, maxtime)))
        if (missing( 
   <- fit$
        if (missing(xlim)) 
            xlim <- if (logt) 
                logb(c(maxtime/100, maxtime))
            else c(0, maxtime)
        if (length(grid) && is.logical(grid)) 
            grid <- if (grid) 
            else NULL
        if (is.logical( {
            if ( 
       <- 0.95
            else <- 0
        zcrit <- qnorm((1 +
        xadj <- Predict(fit, type = "model.frame", np = 5, factors = rmsArgs(substitute(list(...))))
        info <- attr(xadj, "info")
        varying <- info$varying
        if (length(varying) > 1) 
            stop("cannot vary more than one predictor")
        adjust <- if (adj.subtitle) 
        else NULL
        if (length(xadj)) {
            nc <- nrow(xadj)
            covpres <- TRUE
        else {
            nc <- 1
            covpres <- FALSE
        y <- if (length(varying)) 
        else ""
        curve.labels <- NULL
        xd <- xlim[2] - xlim[1]
        if (n.risk & !add) {
            mar <- opar$mar
            if (mar[4] < 4) {
                mar[4] <- mar[4] + 2
                par(mar = mar)
        lty <- if (missing(lty)) 
            seq(nc + 1)[-2]
        else rep(lty, length = nc)
        col <- rep(col, length = nc)
        lwd <- rep(lwd, length = nc)
        i <- 0
        if (levels.only) 
            y <- gsub(".*=", "", y)
        abbrevy <- if (abbrev.label) 
        else y
        abbrevy <- if (is.factor(abbrevy)) 
        else format(abbrevy)
        if (labelc || conf == "bands") 
            curves <- vector("list", nc)
        for (i in 1:nc) {
            ci <-
            ay <- if (length(varying)) 
            else ""
            if (covpres) {
                adj <- xadj[i, , drop = FALSE]
                w <- survest(fit, newdata = adj, fun = fun, what = what, 
           = ci, type = type, conf.type = conf.type)
            else w <- survest(fit, fun = fun, what = what, = ci, 
                type = type, conf.type = conf.type)
            time <- w$time
            if (logt) 
                time <- logb(time)
            s <- ! & (time >= xlim[1])
            surv <- w$surv
            if (is.null(ylim)) 
                ylim <- range(surv, na.rm = TRUE)
            stratum <- w$strata
            if (is.null(stratum)) 
                stratum <- 1
            if (! {
                cl <- if (is.factor(ay)) 
                else format(ay)
                curve.labels <- c(curve.labels, abbrevy[i])
                if (i == 1 & !add) {
                    plot(time, surv, xlab = xlab, xlim = xlim, ylab = ylab, 
                      ylim = ylim, type = "n", axes = FALSE)
                    mgp.axis(1, at = if (logt) 
     # This is the line that was changed -----------------------
                    else seq(xlim[1], if(notpretty){max(xlim)}else{max(pretty(xlim))},, 
      #  end of modifications ------------------------
                      labels = TRUE)
                    mgp.axis(2, at = pretty(ylim))
                    if (!logt & (dots || length(grid))) {
                      xlm <- pretty(xlim)
                      xlm <- c(xlm[1], xlm[length(xlm)])
                      xp <- seq(xlm[1], xlm[2], by =
                      yd <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
                      if (yd <= 0.1) 
                        yi <- 0.01
                      else if (yd <= 0.2) 
                        yi <- 0.025
                      else if (yd <= 0.4) 
                        yi <- 0.05
                      else yi <- 0.1
                      yp <- seq(ylim[2], ylim[1] + if (n.risk && 
                      else 0, by = -yi)
                      if (dots) 
                        for (tt in xp) symbols(rep(tt, length(yp)), 
                          yp, circles = rep(dotsize, length(yp)), 
                          inches = dotsize, add = TRUE)
                      else abline(h = yp, v = xp, col = grid, xpd = FALSE)
                tim <- time[s]
                srv <- surv[s]
                if ( > 0 && conf == "bands") {
                    blower <- w$lower[s]
                    bupper <- w$upper[s]
                if (max(tim) > xlim[2]) {
                    if (ltype == "s") {
                      s.last <- srv[tim <= xlim[2] + 1e-06]
                      s.last <- s.last[length(s.last)]
                      k <- tim < xlim[2]
                      tim <- c(tim[k], xlim[2])
                      srv <- c(srv[k], s.last)
                      if ( > 0 && conf == "bands") {
                        low.last <- blower[time <= xlim[2] + 1e-06]
                        low.last <- low.last[length(low.last)]
                        up.last <- bupper[time <= xlim[2] + 1e-06]
                        up.last <- up.last[length(up.last)]
                        blower <- c(blower[k], low.last)
                        bupper <- c(bupper[k], up.last)
                    else tim[tim > xlim[2]] <- NA
                if (conf != "bands") 
                    lines(tim, srv, type = ltype, lty = lty[i], col = col[i], 
                      lwd = lwd[i])
                if (labelc || conf == "bands") 
                    curves[[i]] <- list(tim, srv)
                if (pr) {
                    zest <- rbind(tim, srv)
                    dimnames(zest) <- list(c("Time", "Survival"), 
                      rep("", length(srv)))
                    cat("\nEstimates for ", cl, "\n\n")
                    print(zest, digits = 3)
                if ( > 0) {
                    if (conf == "bands") {
                      polyg(x = c(tim, rev(tim)), y = c(blower, rev(bupper)), 
                        col = col.fill[i], type = ltype)
                    else {
                      if (exactci) {
                        tt <- seq(0, maxtime,
                        v <- survest(fit, newdata = adj, times = tt, 
                          what = what, fun = fun, = ci, 
                          type = type, conf.type = conf.type)
                        tt <- v$time
                        ss <- v$surv
                        lower <- v$lower
                        upper <- v$upper
                        if (!length(ylim)) 
                          ylim <- range(ss, na.rm = TRUE)
                        if (logt) 
                          tt <- logb(ifelse(tt == 0, NA, tt))
                      else {
                        tt <- as.numeric(dimnames(surv.sum)[[1]])
                        if (logt) 
                          tt <- logb(tt)
                        ss <- surv.sum[, stratum, "Survival"]^exp(w$linear.predictors)
                        se <- surv.sum[, stratum, "std.err"]
                        ss <- fun(ss)
                        lower <- fun(cilower(ss, zcrit * se))
                        upper <- fun(ciupper(ss, zcrit * se))
                        ss[is.infinite(ss)] <- NA
                        lower[is.infinite(lower)] <- NA
                        upper[is.infinite(upper)] <- NA
                      tt <- tt + xd * (i - 1) * 0.01
                      errbar(tt, ss, upper, lower, add = TRUE, lty = lty[i], 
                        col = col[i])
                if (n.risk) {
                    if (length(Y <- fit$y)) {
                      tt <- seq(max(0, xlim[1]), min(maxtime, xlim[2]), 
                        by =
                      ny <- ncol(Y)
                      if (!length(str <- fit$Strata)) 
                        Y <- Y[, ny - 1]
                      else Y <- Y[unclass(str) == unclass(stratum), 
                        ny - 1]
                      nrisk <- rev(cumsum(table(cut(-Y, sort(unique(-c(tt, 
                        range(Y) + c(-1, 1))))))[-length(tt) - 1]))
                    else {
                      if (is.null(surv.sum)) 
                        stop("you must use surv=T or y=T in fit to use n.risk=T")
                      tt <- as.numeric(dimnames(surv.sum)[[1]])
                      l <- (tt >= xlim[1]) & (tt <= xlim[2])
                      tt <- tt[l]
                      nrisk <- surv.sum[l, stratum, 2]
                    tt[1] <- xlim[1]
                    yd <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
                    if (missing(y.n.risk)) 
                      y.n.risk <- ylim[1]
                    yy <- y.n.risk + yd * (nc - i) * sep.n.risk
                    nri <- nrisk
                    nri[tt > xlim[2]] <- NA
                    text(tt[1], yy, nri[1], cex = cex.n.risk, adj = adj.n.risk, 
                      srt = srt.n.risk)
                    text(tt[-1], yy, nri[-1], cex = cex.n.risk, adj = 1)
                    text(xlim[2] + xd * 0.025, yy, adj = 0, curve.labels[i], 
                      cex = cex.n.risk)
        if (conf == "bands") 
            for (i in 1:length(y)) lines(curves[[i]][[1]], curves[[i]][[2]], 
                type = ltype, lty = lty[i], col = col[i], lwd = lwd[i])
        if (labelc) 
            labcurve(curves, curve.labels, type = ltype, lty = lty, 
                col. = col, lwd = lwd, opts = label.curves)
        if (length(adjust)) 
            title(sub = paste("Adjusted to:", adjust), adj = 0, cex = 0.6)
        invisible(list(adjust = adjust, curve.labels = curve.labels))
    environment(survplot2) <- environment(rms:::survplot.rms)

    Tested with the first example in rms::survplot using xlim=c(0,26) and xlim=c(0,28). Needed to assign the environment because otherwise you get this error:

    Error in Predict(fit, type = "model.frame", np = 5, 
                               factors = rmsArgs(substitute(list(...)))) : 
      could not find function "rmsArgs"