In the diagram below
Do you know how this can be solved? Glad to provide additional info if needed.
It's a simple use of the cross-product and scalar-product:
You first find a normal vector N
of the plane spanned by those points. This is done via the cross product of B-A
and O-A
Then the directional vector AP
can be found as the cross product of N
and B-A
. For finding the angle we take the scalar product of the normalized vectors AP
and AO
, apply acos
and convert to degrees.
%// Example data
A = [0,0,0];
B = [-1,0,0];
C = [1,0,0];
O = [-1,-1,0];
%// Computation
normalize = @(X) X/norm(X);
N = normalize(cross(B-A,O-A));
AP = cross(N,B-A);
phi = (180/pi)*acos(dot(normalize(AP),normalize(O-A)))