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How to bind INTEGER/NULL to a ? placeholder with rawQuery selectionArgs in Android?

Anything can change below to reach a working solution! I have full control over all of the below schema/data/query/code, so any reasonable improvement is welcome: I'm looking for a simple/clean/to-the-point solution. For example making two different queries (= ? and is null) is the last resort.


I want to change the below code so I can call listCategoriesIn(1) and listCategoriesIn(null) and they both give the correct expected result. I can't make listCategoriesIn(null) work with a WHERE clause like c.parent = ?.

  • Is it at all possible to bind an INTEGER or NULL to = ??
  • How should I modify the WHERE clause to make it work for both cases?
  • What else may I change to make it work?


    _id         INTEGER      NOT NULL,
    name        VARCHAR      NOT NULL,
    parent      INTEGER          NULL --< important bit
        CONSTRAINT fk_Category_parent
            REFERENCES Category(_id)
            ON DELETE CASCADE,

Sample Data

                  (_id, parent, name)
          SELECT     0,   NULL, 'cat0'         --< expected for listCategoriesIn(null)
    UNION SELECT     1,   NULL, 'cat1'         --< expected for listCategoriesIn(null)
    UNION SELECT    11,      1,   'cat1-1'     --< expected for listCategoriesIn(1)
    UNION SELECT    12,      1,   'cat1-2'     --< expected for listCategoriesIn(1)
    UNION SELECT   121,     12,     'cat1-2-1'
    UNION SELECT   122,     12,     'cat1-2-2'
    UNION SELECT    13,      1,   'cat1-3'     --< expected for listCategoriesIn(1)
    UNION SELECT   131,     13,     'cat1-3-1'
    UNION SELECT     2,   NULL, 'cat2'         --< expected for listCategoriesIn(null)
    UNION SELECT    21,      2,   'cat2-1'
    UNION SELECT     3,   NULL, 'cat3'         --< expected for listCategoriesIn(null)


IRL I'm using much more complex ones involving views, sub-queries, multiple JOINs.

    (select count() from Category where parent = c._id) as count
from Category c
where c.parent = ? --< important bit

Wrong Code #1

public Cursor listCategoriesIn(SQLiteDatabase db, Long categoryID) {
    // public Cursor SQLiteDatabse.rawQuery(String sql, String[] selectionArgs);
    return db.rawQuery(CATEGORY_QUERY, new String[] {

listCategoriesIn(1): works OK

listCategoriesIn(null): the resulting Cursor is empty, possibly = 'null' or = NULL is bound.

Wrong Code #2

public Cursor listCategoriesIn(SQLiteDatabase db, Long categoryID) {
    // public Cursor SQLiteDatabse.rawQuery(String sql, String[] selectionArgs);
    return db.rawQuery(CATEGORY_QUERY, new String[] {
        categoryID == null? null : categoryID.toString()

listCategoriesIn(1): works OK

listCategoriesIn(null): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: the bind value at index 1 is null


  • After sleeping on it and starting a new day I had an epiphany, it's possible without duplication of the query:

    where c.parent = ? or (? = 'null' and c.parent is null)

    However we need to duplicate the argument, here's the corresponding Java call:

    public Cursor listCategoriesIn(SQLiteDatabase db, Long categoryID) {
        return db.rawQuery(CATEGORY_QUERY, new String[] {
            String.valueOf(categoryID), String.valueOf(categoryID)

    There's no NPE when categoryID is null, because it binds as "null" (see valueOf). Passing null->'null' to the driver activates the second part of the WHERE clause, and of course none of the INTEGER values will be = 'null' so the first part doesn't play.

    This trick works because rawQuery binds everything as Strings and the SQLite engine can handle comparing INTEGERs with numbers in a TEXT. I'm sure the details can be found in the SQLite Datatypes documentation.