Having issues getting sunspot started. I'm on rails 4.2 and Windows 8.
I just installed the gems sunspot_rails and sunspot_solr. The install command works perfectly fine but when I run rake sunspot:solr:start I get this error
This command is not supported on i386-mingw32. Use rake sunspot:solr:run to run Solr in the foreground.
When I try rake sunspot:solr:run I get the same error.
Someone suggested editing the sunspot_solr/lib/sunspot/solr/java.rb which looks like this
module Sunspot
module Solr
module Java
def self.installed?
`java -version`
But I can't seem to find this folder anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
mhh I think you could just override the method. Create an initializer --> config/initializers/sunspot.rb and put in the code you metioned.