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Polymer Fire-base Login Returning User as 'null'

so I'm trying to build a nice multi-tabbed login form using polymer and the <firebase-login> element. It looks something like this:

One one tab, I have some social login buttons (google, twitter, fb), on the other, email/password login/register. I'm also using <app-router> on my index.html to route all my views(elements), and the <pvc-globals> to hold global objects. So, when user's are logged in, they are routed to a new element. Here is the login code:

   login: function() {
      if (debug) {
        console.log('Logging in');
        console.log('loginProvider: ' + this.$.login.provider);
        console.log('loginUser: ' + this.$.login.user);
        console.log('global.currentUser: ' + this.globals.currentUser);

      var params;

      try {
        params = JSON.parse(document.querySelector("#params").value);
      } catch (e) {
        params = null;

      if (this.provider == 'password') {
        params = this.params || {}; =;
        params.password = this.userPassword;

      this.globals.currentUser = this.user;

      // If login successful
      window.location.href = "#/home";

It's basically the same thing that the firebase demo gives. So, for some reason, I can log people in successfully, but when I console the firebase user object, it returns null. Also, the login function is re-routing people faster than firebase is logging user's in with the social buttons.

My main question: Why is firebase saying the user object is null after a successful login? The second part of that would be how to re-route users AFTER the login takes it's course?

Thanks in advance!


  • I recommend that you use the "real" api instead of the firebase-login wrapper. In your case I'm guessing And do the redirect in the callback from the auth method. Same with settings the globals value.


    You can define a on-login function on the firebase-login and do the redirect and setting globals value in that function.