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Does System.Windows.Controls.ValidationRule only support Value Types for properties

I am using following System.Windows.ValidationRule.

public class XXXValidationRule : ValidationRule
    public object FooObject { get; set;}
    public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo)
        Bar barObject = this.FooObject.BarObject;

My XAML shows like this.

       <viewModel:XXXValidationRule x:key="xxxValidationRule"/>
    <Binding Path="..." UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged">

So far so good. Now in the Code Behind of my XAML Dialog I initialize the ValidationRule as follow.

public partial class XamlDialog : System.Windows.Window
    private System.Windows.Controls.ValidationRule xxxValidationRule;

    public XamlDialog()

    public void InitializeResources()
       this.xxxValidationRule = (ValidationRule)this.Resources["xxxValidationRule"];
       this.xxxValidationRule.FooObject= new FooObject();

The point is, when XXXValidationRule.Validate is triggered the FooObject Property is always null.

If I work with the value type int for the Property FooObject, same effect.

If I work still with the value type int and set the Property explicitly in XAML like follow, I receive the correct value (99) within the Validation Rule.

    <viewModel:XXXValidationRule FooObject="99"/>

First, does ValidationRule only supports value types or is there a way to work with reference types as described above? Second, do we have to set such Properties explicitly in XAML or is there a way to set it in Code Behind?

Thanks for help :-)


  • Just found the solution. Thanks to the comment of dkozl and this stackoverflow answer

    If we define the Validation Rule such as

        <viewModel:XXXValidationRule FooObject="99"/>

    means that the Binding Binding.ValidationRules will create always new instance of XXXValidationRule. To resolve that use StaticResource as follow.

        <StaticResource ResourceKey="xxxValidationRule"/>